Growing up back home at a very young age me and my sisters were always very photogenic, we would try on different outfits and take photos with them on. when we all moved up here to the united states me my brother including my 2 sisters, we all looked for ways to express our talents, my 2 sisters started modeling and acting my brother continued with hes music career and me i was just young, i was 14 years old.
being very close to my sister i would go to her fashion shows to watch her walk, designers would insist its a good idea for me to also model, my sister would take snap shot pics of me in the house while i possed for her lol, she would also make me take photos of her, through that i started developing a slight interest in modeling..
my sister is very beautifull, filled with alot of my moms character, hunger and consistancy, i admire her alot, well u can say it runs in the family. watching her consistancy with the modeling and acting business, i decided to start involvong my self with the idea also.. making me take photos of her from time to time and me running to different photographers to help develop my book as a model i developt a hobby for photography...
Watching this different amazing photographers taking photos of me i wondered what it'll feel like if i can be creative also, so i said hey this looks easy!!! well not really but i was anxious... so i learned the shyt on my own.. hours and hours of youtube videos.. reading books... googleing.. never actually sat with someone to teach me anything took me couple of months but i thought my self..
Now i would like to make something very clear, i am not a photographer...even tho as you can see my work here, i am alot better than most people walking around with a camera callin them self photographers.. i am a talented young business man with different ideas on how to promote my FLY BOY CITY brand name, you can see my logo on this pics, and photography is one of the direction i am taking... i was worried about posting my work because i've had different photographers preaching to me on models tryng to be photographers and how they used them blah blah blah... well this is not what that is here... I have never ones asked any photographer i have worked with to teach me anything.. this is all self thought!!!
i am not looking to test with agency models or be the biggest photag or shoot all the hottest models no, my goal is to publish my company FLY BOY CITY, its the main reason i started modeling in the first place. as a kid i've always wanted to own something trade marked under my name including with my partner zain, and i came up with the idea FLY BOY CITY...
my brand name FLY BOY CITY... clothing line coming soon and also working on online magazine and a website... FLY BOY CITY IS US... MORE TO COME THANKS