2011 was the year i decided to take my photography to a whole different level, not knowing what to expect coming into the photography business as a model/ photographer, i knew i would suprise alot of people because i was never interested in becoming a serious photographer, it was always an hobby of mine.

i have always been a creative person, filled with ideas so shooting this different models has allowed me to be able bring my visions to life, i i'm able to express myself, through photography.

when i started this i was really amazed with my fast improvement, especially been that this was all self thought, as a model when i would bring ideas to a photographer, they would steal my ideas and use on a different model, so i thought to myself maybe i should buy myself a camera and start shooting my own ideas..

My main goal as a model/ photographer has always been to promote and lunch my clothing brand FLY BOY CITY, its is the main reason why i was involved in the modeling industry, it was the best decisions i have ever made.

Since this was all self thought, When i started photogarphy, i would use my sister for practice, she didn't realize how serious i was untill she start to notice how much time, effort and hours i would put into researching, studying and retouctching models... im a very fast learner so i knew i would advance beyond anyones expectations....
Now this goes out to most photographers who like to brag on how many years of experience they have in photographer and their work still looks like they've only been doin it for few months...
life is short, it is not how long you have been doing it for but it is how much you have accomplished for the time been...
i i'm very excited to see what 2012 will bring to the table for me and FLY BOY CITY photography...
happy new years
god bless
and stay tuned
thanks god bless
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